
We are organizing a special symposium in the upcoming ICOP/ISOP meeting in Seoul, Korea, entitled "The life of Retaria and other large protists".
If you are interested in presenting in this symposium, please submit your abstract by March 31 through their website! Hoping to see you there!

The Seminar Series in detail

The Seminar Series will be happening online the second Monday of every second month for about one hour.
Different international time zones will be accommodated favouring the speaker’s local time, and the speaker chooses the format: A classic talk + questions, a debate on a given topic, a genuine question on specific analyses, ...

To participate, please register in this online form and you will receive the information.

For further information, please see links below:

Meet the organizers

Interested in giving a talk? Please contact any of the organizers, and we will find a convenient time slot.